Going Through It

Going Through Struggle - Sarah Kirsten

When things are rough, you have to rest in the goodness of God.

“Every breath we breathe an invitation to believe you are creating something good.”

Listening to this song is like putting vaseline on a wound. I’ll Give Thanks by Housefires.

Going Through Struggle - Sarah Kirsten

As much as I love talking about the bright side of life, all of life isn’t lived in the sunshine. In fact, some of the most important things happen in the dark valleys. If I may be vulnerable for a moment, over the last year, there have been some patches of brier bushes and valleys along my personal path (also some of the most meaningful, beautiful, life defining stretches of path). I’ve learned that every challenge and hurt is a joy to go through because it’s an opportunity to grow deeper and to be molded into exactly who you are supposed to be. But it’s still uncomfortable and, well, it’s painful and hard.

I’m holding on to the promise of God’s goodness in this season. Resting in it. If you’ve had some brier patches and dark valleys in your last year too, I invite you into resting in the childlike, illogical trust of this goodness with me.